With age comes unavoidable changes to our minds and bodies. Our memory and focus isn’t what it once was. Our bodies ache and get stiff. We all slow down. Still, many older drivers continue to operate a car safely well into their golden years. The key is to recognize what our abilities are now rather than focus on what they used to be, and make the proper adjustments to ensure responsible driving behavior.
Driving Safely
Get regular eye exams. It is recommended you have your vision checked every two years; however, more frequent exams may be necessary if you experience sudden or frequent vision changes. If you are experiencing any nervousness or discomfort at night, or if you experience difficulty recovering from glare or adjusting to darkness, limit your driving to during daylight times only. Talk to your doctor and find out if restrictions are necessary.

In preparing for a trip, you should:
- Plan ahead. Know your route and try to stay on familiar roads.
- Avoid taking medication before driving as the side effects may create unsafe driving behavior.
- Call ahead for weather and road conditions. View the enhanced travel map.
While driving:
- Scan frequently to allow you ample time to react to trouble.
- Avoid wearing eyeglasses or sunglass with wide frames as they restrict your side vision.
- Avoid rush hour, bad weather or other stressful travel situations.
- Maintain a safe speed and look down the road for possible hazards.
- Leave a four second gap between you and the vehicle in front of you.
It may be time to stop driving if:
- You have received a number of warnings from Law Enforcement, it may be time to stop driving.
- You have frequent ‘close calls’ (almost crashes), it may be time to stop driving.
- You are uncomfortable, nervous or fearful when driving in general, it may be time to stop.