Find the full list of structures, their locations, and maximum height permissions for commercial vehicles.
Notice of Disclaimer
The bridge permittable vertical clearance is the maximum height that will be permitted by ND Highway Patrol when purchasing an over height permit. The vertical clearance listings are not guaranteed for complete accuracy due to construction activities and weather that may affect bridge or road conditions.
The vertical clearances in this list are provided for informational purposes only. An approved permit from the ND Highway Patrol is required for over height vehicles. The North Dakota Department of Transportation is not responsible for changes in conditions.

Definitions of Terms used in Vertical Clearance List
- Highway (Hwy) - This column contains the numbered highway of the route traveled under a bridge. For local routes, “City” or “0” will be listed for this item. Additional route information can be obtained from the “Feature Intersected” column.
- Reference Point - This column contains the highway reference point of the bridge on the route UNDER the bridge. Reference points can be closely correlated to distance in miles, however this is not always the case. Reference points are marked on all state highways with small green signs.
- Direction - This column contains the direction traveled of the route UNDER the bridge for DIVIDED Highways. For 2-way highways no direction information is reported.
- Feature Intersected - This column contains information about the route carried on the bridge.
- Location of Structure - This column contains location information in reference to intersecting highways.
- Permitted Clearance - This column contains the bridge permittable vertical clearance measurements in feet and inches.
- Exit No. - For interstate routes this column contains the Interchange number, “sep” for separations, or “ped” for pedestrian underpasses. Exit numbers correlate to that exit’s reference point location.
- Bridge ID - The Bridge ID is the unique Identifier for each bridge used by the bridge division.
- Interchange (INT) - A structure with overhead clearance restrictions that has exit and/or entrance ramps to route around the vertical clearance restrictions.
- Separation (Sep) - A structure with overhead clearance restrictions that carries another highway or street. There are no exit and/or entrance ramps to route around the vertical clearance restrictions.
- Underpass (UP) - A structure with overhead clearance restrictions where a railroad or pedestrian walkway crosses over the highway. There are no exit and/or entrance ramps to route around the vertical clearance restrictions.