A geographic information system (GIS) allows the user to visualize spatial relationships between different datasets and interact with that data in order to make better informed decisions. This page contains links to interactive maps, downloadable datasets, and other resources related to GIS and mapping.
Featured GIS Maps
Interactive Maps
Traffic Information Map (Interactive)
- Access the most recent traffic information, including traffic counts and other highway information.
North Dakota Bridge Conditions
- View all bridge locations in the state with their current NBI condition rating.
- You can use this map to find the average weighted bid on a spec/code item grouped by county.
ND Agency Mapping Applications (arcgis.com)
- Access agency interactive web maps.
Extract GIS data from North Dakota GIS Hub
- Download GIS data from state GIS Hub.
- See web services available from the ND GIS Hub.
- View information on NDDOT-specific web services.
Downloadable GIS Data (zipped Esri file geodatabase updated on a periodic basis):
- Corporate Polygon (weekly)
- County Roads (weekly)
- Segments (AADT/Ride/Road Characteristics) (weekly)
- Speed Zones (State/Federal Roads) (weekly)
- State/Federal Reference Pts (Mile Markers) (weekly)
- State/Federal Roads (weekly)
- Traffic Counts (weekly)
- Bridges (weekly)
- Center Line Pipes (weekly) - The Center Line Pipes point feature offers a record of identified center line pipes along state highways in North Dakota. The information provided herein is intended for preliminary use only, and any design recommendations should be verified with survey. Pipe information is primarily sourced from original grading plans, which could result in inaccuracies due to unrecorded extensions and changes in elevation datum since the pipes were installed.
County, Urban and Traffic Maps
- This map shows Access Control on State Highways.
NDDOT Mapping Applications (arcgis.com)