
The department works on testing and researching soil or materials utilized for highway and construction projects. The main research areas include asphalt and concrete pavement studies, plus ride quality and measurement of ride numbers. Materials testing may be conducted on a variety of products such as: asphalt binders, aggregates, geotextile fabrics, traffic marking paint, soils, cement, fly ash, glass beads for traffic marking paint and concrete for strength.

State Owned and Optioned Gravel Sources

State Owned and Optioned Gravel Sources

The NDDOT manages a number of gravel sources through ownership or by means of an option to purchase materials. State managed sources may be listed in construction plans. If a contractor wishes to exercise the Department's option to purchase materials under the terms and conditions described, please notify the Gravel Prospecting Coordinator. A timeline for the intended use is also requested.  You may contact staff by phone at 701-328-6905 or by using the following link: Gravel Prospecting Coordinator

Certification and Training Resources

Certification and Training Resources